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韓國MobiBlu MP3播放器攜有RFID交通卡

作者:Michael Kwan
日期:2007-03-04 11:42:50
Most people listen to their MP3 players  while riding on the subway on their way to school or work, atleast that’s how it’s done in most metropolitan cities, Korea in particular. Recognizing this, MobiBlu has launched a version of its DAH-1800T digital audio player that incorporates the RFID smart card used on the Korean public transportation system.

Normally, you’d have to take your card out and swipe it across the appropriate reader before boarding the train, but if everything goes according to plan with MobiBlu’s new unit, you can still blast the tunes while just rubbing your pocket against the reader and continue on your happy little way. Just don’t let anyone catch you having a little too much fun with the turnstiles.

This is certainly an interesting innovation on the Korean manufacturer’s part, now they just need to integrate a mobile phone, and some games on the thing and maybe it’ll fly state-side. Then again, what might be even better is if they can




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  注:RFID是Radio Frequency Identification的縮寫,即射頻識別,俗稱電子標(biāo)簽。其基本工作原理為,標(biāo)簽進(jìn)入磁場后,接收解讀器發(fā)出的射頻信號,憑借感應(yīng)電流所獲得的能量發(fā)送出存儲在芯片中的產(chǎn)品信息(Passive Tag,無源標(biāo)簽或被動(dòng)標(biāo)簽),或者主動(dòng)發(fā)送某一頻率的信號(Active Tag,有源標(biāo)簽或主動(dòng)標(biāo)簽);解讀器讀取信息并解碼后,送至中央信息系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)處理。  
